Get Started on the Path to a Thriving Farm


Core Courses

Start Your Farm Intensive

Craft your farm business plan to set yourself up for success, with tutorials on choosing revenue streams, managing financials, doing sales projections, and more.

Because this course includes business training, it is also available under the 'Business' category.


RIPEN Formula for Success  

Our detailed formula for building a new farm, ranging from the planning and production to building a strong team and finding the right customers.

Because this course includes business training, it is also available under the 'Business' category.


Fund Your Farm  

Learn about funding options for farm property, and which options might work for you.

Because this course includes business training, it is also available under the 'Business' category.


Find Your Perfect Farm Property

Know exactly what to look for when searching for farm property, so you can choose the property that fits your needs and farm vision best.


Inspiration for Farmers of All Stages!

Vegetable Summit  

Replays from the Vegetable Summit, featuring topics such as winter growing, permaculture, tunnel automation, garden design, tomato production, and much more!


Value-Add Summit 

Explore different ways to add value and income to your farm, by using what you already have.


Flower Summit 

Fantastic presentations on everything floral! Step into the cut flower industry and discover how you can build a profitable flower farm.


Mushroom Summit 

In this three-day summit, learn about mushroom research, types, and uses, plus how to start your own profitable mushroom business.


Thriving Farmer Summit

Our very first Thriving Farmer Summit, with training on how to improve business practices and increase profitability on your farm.


Behind the Scenes

Get a behind-the-scenes tour of operations at three different farms.


Farm Consult Recaps

Explore a variety of farming challenges and solutions through recorded farm consults.